
Create a translation device

Design Process

When I started this project I knew I wanted to focus on a news API because I'm interested in data and misinformation. I originally planned to use the general News API to locate instances of the passive voice across different forms of media discussing the same issues, but I had a number of challenges getting the News API to load properly in my sketch as well as creating a way to reliably identify the passive voice. I decided to use the NYT Article Search API to generate fake headlines that appear real. I used natural language processing with a Markov chain model to generate new headlines based on the headlines I pulled from the API as well as external sources.


I'd like to add buttons to the sketch to toggle the external source so that users can see the a variety. My focus is to highlight some dissonance and attention; Christmas shopping in the middle of the peak of a pandemic crisis, re-insterting BLM back into the news after media attention turns elsewhere, etc.